Archaic and Eternal Time on the Mediterranean Sea Archaic and Eternal Time on the Mediterranean Sea
"View of Nice" by Hercules Brabazon Brabazon; Yale Center for British Art/Rawpixel (public domain)

Archaic and Eternal Time on the Mediterranean Sea

Jarosław Mikołajewski
time 4 minutes

I am in Sicily with the journalist Paweł Smoleński, staying with a friend who runs a hotel. Through the window is the sea. A bay spreads out its arms towards Greece. The phantom of a faraway ship is dotted with kayaks and yachts in the foreground.

“This was where the first Greeks landed in 8 BC,” says Caterina.

Paweł and I stand with our backs to the water to look at what the newcomers saw: a smoking volcano and hills like dromedaries marching down to waterholes…

Information about the Greeks and many others could have remained as lifeless fodder in the tourist brochures, but somehow it didn’t. Not because we are training our imaginations and striving


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