
What Does the Amazon Rainforest Have to Say?
World + People

What Does the Amazon Rainforest Have to Say?

American acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton takes us on a sound trip to the first quiet park on Earth, where we can hear the gentle sounds of the Zabalo River, nestled deep in the Amazon rainforest.
Gordon Hempton
Mrs Mohr Goes Missing
Art + Stories

Mrs Mohr Goes Missing

A corpse has been discovered at a retirement home run by nuns, but Zofia is not convinced that the death was entirely natural… Antonia Lloyd-Jones translates an excerpt from the first novel in a period crime series featuring Zofia Turbotyńska.
Maryla Szymiczkowa
The Door
Art + Stories

The Door

About ten years ago, a door appeared behind the church’s side altar. We don’t know what happened behind that door, but we do know that it was life-changing. A short story set in the Polish countryside.
Magda Kiełbowicz
Mr Barker, Oedipuss and Us
World + People

Mr Barker, Oedipuss and Us

We have more in common with cats and dogs than some people think – especially when it comes to cheekily deceiving each other.
Ludwika Włodek
Energy Travels Vertically
Art + Stories

Energy Travels Vertically

In the summer of 1920, a young Indian swami boarded a ship from Bombay to Boston. The yogi’s spiritual teachings went on to change the lives of millions.
Paulina Wilk
Chirping, Whistling, and Tootling
World + People

Chirping, Whistling, and Tootling

Identifying the songs of different birds can be tricky and time-consuming. It can also become a lifelong passion that soothes the mind and has a positive effect on mood.
Olga Drenda
What Are You Reading, Mr President?
Art + Stories

What Are You Reading, Mr President?

We imagine a world in which politicians read books, leading to a greater capacity for imagination, truth, and caring for the country.
Paulina Wilk
How Do We Know Whether We Are Progressing Spiritually?
Soul + Body

How Do We Know Whether We Are Progressing Spiritually?

“The power of egoism is so strong, that we constantly forget who we truly are: pure being and consciousness.”
Marshall Govindan Satchidananda
What Do We Need Memory For?
World + People

What Do We Need Memory For?

In an age of populism, nationalism and rapid change, we should cherish the gift of memory and learn from the past.
Włodek Goldkorn
Be Like Anastasia
Art + Stories

Be Like Anastasia

Anastasianism (or the Ringing Cedars) is a new age religious movement that started in Russia. We visit one of its kinship homesteads to find out how to heal the human civilization.
Ewa Pawlik
The Studio Was Her Entire World
Art + Stories

The Studio Was Her Entire World

Geta Brătescu is a Romanian artist who made a great impression on us during the 2017 Venice Biennale. We tell the story of an exceptional figure, who became an international star only in her eighties.
Stach Szabłowski
Genetic Marginalia
World + People

Genetic Marginalia

The genome is like a cookbook; an old one with stains and notes in the margins. A biologist describes the fascinating discoveries of epigenetics.
January Weiner

PRZEKRÓJ Foundation

PRZEKRÓJ Foundation wants to provide thrills that result in sparks of conscious growth. In addition to funding the magazine, we engage in art projects, performances, films, festivals, workshops, and exhibitions, where we regularly meet our Readers. We want to help others foster a fuller, more conscious relationship with themselves and the world.


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Soul + Body