Antonia Lloyd-Jones

What Stanisław Lem’s novel “Solaris” would be like if other famous sci-fi and fantasy authors had written it
Humor + Variety

What Stanisław Lem’s novel “Solaris” would be like if other famous sci-fi and fantasy authors had written it

What would be the result if some other popular sci-fi and fantasy writers were to try their hand at Stanisław Lem’s “Solaris”? All sorts of great books!
Grzegorz Uzdański
Upiory Are People of Flesh and Blood
Art + Stories

Upiory Are People of Flesh and Blood

Mediaevalist Łukasz Kozak talks about the myths and realities behind upiory – prototype vampires from Slavic folklore.
Stasia Budzisz
All Lara’s Wars
Art + Stories

All Lara’s Wars

In this extract from Wojciech Jagielski’s upcoming reportage “All Lara’s Wars”, Lara finally reaches the Syrian border, where she is to meet her son Shamil – now one of the mujahideen fighting under the caliphate.
Wojciech Jagielski
Walking for Water
Soul + Body
The Four Elements

Walking for Water

According to some fairy tales, wild springs can give us the water of life. Yet according to other folk legends, water sources can also take life away . . .
Renata Lis
Say Yes to the World
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Say Yes to the World

In the late 19th century, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote the infamous words: “God is dead.” Yet rather than being a provocative attack on religion, the philosopher’s statement was an invitation to affirm one’s life.
Tomasz Stawiszyński
Four Fine Fellows
Art + Stories

Four Fine Fellows

In this short story based on true events that took place in Kielce in 1946, we join a militiaman, a baker, a cobbler and a caretaker in a pub, as they talk about honesty.
Jacek Dehnel
You Must Change Your Life
Soul + Body
Good Mood

You Must Change Your Life

In uncertain times, many of us look towards developing our self as a means of adapting to changing circumstances. Along the way, we may be helped by the likes of Jordan Peterson and Peter Sloterdijk.
Tomasz Stawiszyński
The Dormant Beast
World + People

The Dormant Beast

Beneath the Phlegraean Fields near Naples there’s a giant lake of liquid magma bubbling away. The entire area includes 24 craters and volcanic cones. An eruption could occur within the next few years.
Maciej Hen
Possessed by Possession
Art + Stories

Possessed by Possession

Ever since the 1970s, exorcism has been enjoying a renascence of sorts – from films to literature to the practice itself. In increasingly tumultuous times, has Satan found his powers once again?
Tomasz Stawiszyński
The Dirty Dozen
Humor + Variety

The Dirty Dozen

You never know when Lucifer might rear his evil head! Keep a look out with our pocket guide to malevolent beings from across the world.
Adam Węgłowski
Mrs Mohr Goes Missing
Art + Stories

Mrs Mohr Goes Missing

A corpse has been discovered at a retirement home run by nuns, but Zofia is not convinced that the death was entirely natural... Antonia Lloyd-Jones translates an excerpt from the first novel in a period crime series featuring Zofia Turbotyńska.
Maryla Szymiczkowa
Chirping, Whistling, and Tootling
World + People

Chirping, Whistling, and Tootling

Identifying the songs of different birds can be tricky and time-consuming. It can also become a lifelong passion that soothes the mind and has a positive effect on mood.
Olga Drenda