Derek Beres

A freelance writer. He has served in senior editorial positions at a number of tech companies and has years of experience in health, science, and music writing.
5 Big Predictions for 2021
Art + Stories
Experiences, Fiction

5 Big Predictions for 2021

A deeper appreciation for science and less unnecessary spending could be in our future.
Derek Beres
How Psychedelics Help You “Die Before You Die”
Soul + Body, World + People
Wellbeing, Science

How Psychedelics Help You “Die Before You Die”

The heart of the religious ritual is mysticism, argues Brian Muraresku in "The Immortality Key."
Derek Beres
Handwriting Better for Memory Than Typing
World + People
The Other School

Handwriting Better for Memory Than Typing

A new study collected five hundred data points per second. Handwriting won out.
Derek Beres
How a 15-Minute ‘Awe Walk’ Drastically Improves Mental Health
Soul + Body
Good Mood

How a 15-Minute ‘Awe Walk’ Drastically Improves Mental Health

Move over, forest bathing.
Derek Beres
Not Having Children Is Another Choice We Should Be Discussing
Soul + Body, Art + Stories
Good Mood, Fiction

Not Having Children Is Another Choice We Should Be Discussing

In America, one in five women choose not to be mothers. Contrary to appearances, the reason for this decision is rarely egoism.
Derek Beres