Robby Berman

is a writer and musician living in New York. He is the founder of the Halachic Organ Donor Society, which promotes the idea of becoming an organ donor among the Jewish community.
This Brain Balancing Act Allows Consciousness
World + People

This Brain Balancing Act Allows Consciousness

Two types of thinking have a time-sharing deal going on in your brain.
Robby Berman
How to Get Materialism Under Control in Your Life
Soul + Body

How to Get Materialism Under Control in Your Life

It's insidious and destructive, but there are some things you can do to develop a healthier relationship with material things.
Robby Berman
Science Says You Should Pet Your Dog Before Leaving
World + People

Science Says You Should Pet Your Dog Before Leaving

A study explores how your dog does when you're not home.
Robby Berman
Why It’s So Hard To Stop Obsessing About Things — And What To Do About It
Soul + Body

Why It’s So Hard To Stop Obsessing About Things — And What To Do About It

Try not to think about your hands. Now enjoy a few minutes of not being able to stop thinking about them.
Robby Berman
Brain Study Finds That Humans Are Born Wired for Reading Letters and Words
World + People

Brain Study Finds That Humans Are Born Wired for Reading Letters and Words

The area of the brain that recognizes letters and words is ready for action right from the start.
Robby Berman
Scientists Identify 24 Planets Potentially Better Suited For Life Than Earth
World + People
Outer Space

Scientists Identify 24 Planets Potentially Better Suited For Life Than Earth

The study identified superhabitable planets outside of our solar system.
Robby Berman
Why very smart people are happiest alone
World + People, Soul + Body
Good Mood, Science

Why very smart people are happiest alone

A new study looks at our comfort in being around other people as a byproduct of evolution.
Robby Berman