A Springtime Artist A Springtime Artist
"House with a Bay Window in the Garden", Egon Schiele, 1907 r./Wikiart (domena publiczna)

A Springtime Artist

The Centenary of Egon Schiele
Stach Szabłowski
time 8 minutes

Egon Schiele used to say that “everything is living death”. Springtime, with its awakening of living things, fuels my appetite for all things unhealthy, especially unhealthy art.

As time goes by, I find myself liking the work of Egon Schiele more and more, even though – having first been considered incriminatory, and then feted – it is becoming risqué again. There can be no fun without risk. Besides, it’s not only sickly art that can be seen as threatening; life itself is a terribly unwell affair, and it’s impossible to go through it without falling ill from time to time. Schiele, a proponent of unhealthy vitality, would have had plenty to say on the subject.

The year 2018, waking from its winter slumber, promises in our part of the world to be pregnant – heavy, even – with promise. Among the burdens we may be forced


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The Life of Maria Papa Rostowska
Zbigniew Libera

The sculptor Maria Papa Rostkowska led a happy life. Maybe that’s why so few people remember who she was.

Dear readers! Like the lives of most of Poland’s best artists, the life of the “giantess” and at the same time “fashionable kitten” (as the heroine of our article was variously described) was rich in tragic events. Yet simultaneously, it was an exceptionally successful and happy life. Even so, or perhaps precisely because of this, her name remains almost completely unknown in Poland. What to do? We’ve already grown accustomed to the idea that Polish society doesn’t exactly shower its outstanding artists with love.

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