Adam Zbyryt

Biologist, ornithologist, and science popularizer. Professionally associated with the University of Białystok, Poland. He is also an author of books and radio programs.
Intellectuals in Black
World + People

Intellectuals in Black

They learn quickly, use tools, and beat apes in intelligence tests. Yet they're still considered a harbinger of misfortune and death. It's time to give ravens justice.
Adam Zbyryt
Crying in the Wilderness
World + People

Crying in the Wilderness

An old forest does not need fences, tree covers or birdhouses. It developed better survival strategies millions of years ago.
Adam Zbyryt
The Woods Do Us Good
World + People

The Woods Do Us Good

Greenery and birdsong are not only pleasant, but can also heal us. Is this a strong statement? Yes, but there is evidence for it. It seems that we are all biophiles for whom harmony with nature is a condition of happiness.
Adam Zbyryt
As Old as Fear
World + People

As Old as Fear

Being afraid of environmental threats is an essential aspect of humans’ genetic inheritance—without it, we might not be alive.
Adam Zbyryt
Our Winged Companion
World + People

Our Winged Companion

For thousands of years, humans and sparrows have lived alongside each other, the latter continuously adapting to the former’s new environments.
Adam Zbyryt
Eternal Youth
World + People

Eternal Youth

Some animals grow old, slowly deteriorating physically and mentally, whereas others can seemingly regenerate their bodies time and time again.
Adam Zbyryt
The Forest Broadcast
World + People

The Forest Broadcast

Spring is the best season in which to hear the chorus of birdsong that emerges from nature – in forests, meadows and urban parks.
Adam Zbyryt