Agata Kasprolewicz

Great Little People
Art + Stories

Great Little People

The youngest among us can be heroes too, as the stories of these five children who fought for justice and rights show.
Agata Kasprolewicz
The Magnificent Nine
Art + Stories

The Magnificent Nine

Some people lead their lives with compassion and empathy, showing love not only to their nearest and dearest, but also to those whom they don’t know at all.
Agata Kasprolewicz
Reborn in the Forest
World + People

Reborn in the Forest

After years of documenting death and suffering, the Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado turned his lens towards life—the biodiversity of our planet’s flora and fauna, and its indigenous peoples who live in harmony with nature.
Agata Kasprolewicz
The Lost Dream of the Future
World + People

The Lost Dream of the Future

Clive Hamilton talks about the importance of preparing for a harsher future, the role of big businesses in climate change denial, and why we must abandon the idea of endless progress.
Agata Kasprolewicz
Language That Brings Freedom
Art + Stories

Language That Brings Freedom

The writer Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o truly understood the power of language – not only as a British colonial tool, but also as his own means of critiquing the corrupt post-colonial elites of Kenya.
Agata Kasprolewicz
Mao and the Sparrows
World + People

Mao and the Sparrows

In 1958, Mao Zedong ordered the killing of all sparrows. The mindless war on birds unleashed terrible plagues, exacerbating the Great Famine, creating a fatal chapter in China’s history, and underscoring why respect for animals is the path to freedom.
Agata Kasprolewicz