Agnieszka Wójcińska

is a member of the Rekolektyw collective of reporters, established in 2014. Alongside Agnieszka, the collective consists of seven other young Polish reporters: Katarzyna Brejwo, Urszula Jabłońska, Kaja Puto, Małgorzata Rejmer, Ziemowit Szczerek, Maciej Wasielewski and Mirosław Wlekły. Rekolektyw operates on a simple premise: a few reporters work on one topic independently from each other, filtering it through their personal styles and sensitivities. The end-product is a book that presents several different perspectives on one problem. In 2015, the collective released an anthology of non-fiction essays, titled “Mur. Dwanaście Kawałków o Berlinie” [The Wall: Twelve Stories About Berlin] (Czarne Publishing House in cooperation with the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation), in which the association took a closer look at the Berlin landscape 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In May 2016, another collection was published, titled “Obrażenia. Pobici z Polską” [Abuse: Punching Poland] (Wielka Litera Publishing House). This time, their goal was to take a closer look at the problem of hate-speech in Poland, and to analyse reasons behind the worryingly common hostility of Poles towards the Other.
The Rise and Fall of a Chimpanzee Matriarchy
World + People

The Rise and Fall of a Chimpanzee Matriarchy

Common chimpanzees usually live in patriarchal societies, yet at Warsaw Zoo a group of females began to lead the troop. Our correspondent tells the story of their ruthless rise to the top.
Agnieszka Wójcińska
Mothers of Kings
World + People

Mothers of Kings

Magdalena Braum, a primatologist and veterinarian in the Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania, talks about how chimpanzees discovered politics long before humans.
Agnieszka Wójcińska