Annie Jaroszewicz

Kindle the Fire Within
Soul + Body
Breathe In

Kindle the Fire Within

Though it means ‘wild, angry’ energy, and inner fire, the true purpose of tummo is bliss and emptiness.
Aleksandra Kozłowska
Make the Most of Your Coffee
Soul + Body
Good Food

Make the Most of Your Coffee

Instead of throwing away used coffee grounds, follow this recipe for a zero waste, homemade facial scrub.
Dominika Bok
What Comes After Growth?
World + People
Dreams and Visions

What Comes After Growth?

Wojciech Mejor—a leading figure in the Polish post-growth movement—talks about food sovereignty, food cooperativism and alternatives to capitalism.
Katarzyna Michalczak
I Collect Signs of the End
World + People
Dreams and Visions

I Collect Signs of the End

Philosopher and political scientist Leszek Koczanowicz talks about the different aspects of societal fear and anxiety, and how this is connected with Sherlock Holmes.
Aleksandra Pezda
Roots That Heal
Soul + Body

Roots That Heal

In the face of a global health crisis, the Secoya – an Indigenous peoples living in the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon – have turned to the Amazon rainforest for help.
Sylwia Niemczyk
The Discreet Movements of the Sunflower
World + People

The Discreet Movements of the Sunflower

Plants – fixed to the earth by their roots – move in an entirely different way to humans and animals. What biological mechanisms enable their movement?
Marcin Zych
The Open Scissors Effect
Soul + Body
Good Mood

The Open Scissors Effect

Psychologist and psychotherapist Agnieszka Carrasco-Żylicz talks about the pressures that today’s youth are facing, and how this impacts their mental health.
Aleksandra Pezda
The Ups and Downs of the Dolphin
Art + Stories

The Ups and Downs of the Dolphin

Swimmer Michael Phelps has won the most Olympic medals of any athlete. He has also struggled with his mental health and experienced depression.
Piotr Żelazny
Vegetarian Paradise
Soul + Body
Good Food

Vegetarian Paradise

Konstanty Moes-Oskragiełło was the first Polish vegetarian. But he also held a number of radical – and controversial – views about health and society.
Ewa Pluta
There Will Be Life
World + People
Outer Space

There Will Be Life

Astrobiologist Janusz Pętkowski talks about whether extra-terrestrial life might exist on the planet Venus.
Piotr Stankiewicz
A Mother in Lockdown
Art + Stories, World + People
The Other School, Opinions

A Mother in Lockdown

During the pandemic, the experience of those with small children – especially mothers – has been a distinct and challenging one.
Paulina Małochleb
Culinary Kindness
Art + Stories, Soul + Body
Good Food, Opinions

Culinary Kindness

Amid lockdown and social isolation, our writer discovered that the kindness of others is still alive and well – especially in the kitchen.
Monika Kucia