Henry David Thoreau

The American writer, poet, and transcendentalist philosopher. At the age of 28, he moved to a cabin he built by himself near Walden Pond, close to the town of Concord in Massachusetts. He spent two years there alone, marveling at the local nature and writing the collection of essays "Walden, or Life in the Woods." He wanted to "live life for life's sake" (finding steady employment was not easy for him; he lost his first job as a teacher because he refused to administer corporal punishment, and over the years, he didn't become even a bit more of a conformist).
Spring at Walden Pond
Soul + Body
The Four Elements

Spring at Walden Pond

An essay by the great American naturalist, poet, and philosopher about the profound and invigorating qualities of nature, as spring unfolds in New England.
Henry David Thoreau