Krzysztof Maniak

A Polish visual artist. In 2015, he graduated from the Inter-media Faculty at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków (under the supervision of Dr Bogdan Achimescu). In 2018, he completed his PhD in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Painting there. Maniak has won numerous scholarships and awards, such as Talenty Trójki 2013, the 14th edition of the Artystyczna Podróż Hestii Competition, and the Grand Prix of the V Spring Salon at the BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Tarnów. Maniak has presented his works at individual exhibitions, such as Standstill at the Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art, I Remember Snow at the BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Warsaw, and Krzysztof Maniak’s Selected Films, Photographs, Walks, and Objects 2016-2019 at the BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Targów and Bielsko-Biała. His works were also showcased at many collective exhibitions.


Brushing Grass
World + People

Brushing Grass

The works from the “Brushing Grass” series document simple performative actions among clusters of grass. Brushed with a comb or smoothed out with the artists’ bare hands, the plants look like humanoid heads, adorned with thick mops of hair. And yet they resist; unruly ‘hair’ sticks out, grasses break when touched.
Krzysztof Maniak, Sebastian Cichocki