Tomasz Wiśniewski

is a cultural studies scholar, writer, editor of the Imagination Section, and researcher of human encounters with gods and goddesses.
Florence in the Ascendant
World + People
Outer Space

Florence in the Ascendant

The great minds of the Italian Renaissance were often on the side of magic and astrology. The belief in deep dependence on cosmic forces was the foundation for understanding the world . . . and also a source of great controversy.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Gone Soul
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Gone Soul

Euphoria, out-of-body experiences, visions too marvelous to describe. These are just a part of the truth of near-death experiences.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Theses of Ascesis
Soul + Body

Theses of Ascesis

It would seem that in the world of quick pleasures, the practice of asceticism has no place or even right to exist. However, it turns out that abstinence is the key to most of what a person desires.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Together as a Team
World + People
Dreams and Visions

Together as a Team

For a long time, humans have been opting for permanent communities instead of brief alliances. Scholars still wonder who came up with this idea, when, and why.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Sacred Returns
World + People
Dreams and Visions

Sacred Returns

Scholar of religion Mircea Eliade observed that myths help similar customs and behaviors to develop in both religious and secularized societies.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
The Hero in the Labyrinth
Art + Stories

The Hero in the Labyrinth

The American mythologist spent his life examining the cultural role of stories and synthesizing their common motifs into a universal tale of the human experience.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Where Does War Come From?
World + People

Where Does War Come From?

Conflict is usually attributed to disputes over land and resources, inherent aggressive tendencies, or gender. Yet perhaps none of the above provide an adequate explanation.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Inhuman Slaughter
Art + Stories

Inhuman Slaughter

History suggests that, in order to kill, people must reject their natural reflexes—often by taking on an animalistic identity.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Is War Natural?
Art + Stories

Is War Natural?

While some scholars suggest that war is an innate, biological phenomenon, others argue that it is rooted in social and cultural factors.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Practice Courage, Abstain from Wrongdoing
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Practice Courage, Abstain from Wrongdoing

The Celtic Druids possessed great knowledge and were highly respected, yet they tended to be violent—and were not necessarily men.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
The Origins of Immortality
Soul + Body
Good Mood

The Origins of Immortality

The archaeology of prehistoric burial sites suggests a number of interesting aspects to the belief in life after death.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Bleeding for the Sun
Soul + Body
The Four Elements

Bleeding for the Sun

The Aztecs didn’t only carry out human sacrifices of their enemies—they also offered their own blood to the gods.
Tomasz Wiśniewski