The Origins of Immortality The Origins of Immortality
“An Allegory of Immortality”, Giulio Romano, circa 1540. Detroit Institute of Arts (public domain)
Good Mood

The Origins of Immortality

Prehistoric Beliefs in the Afterlife
Tomasz Wiśniewski
time 13 minutes

It would seem the belief in life after death is as old as spirituality itself. However, the great beyond hasn’t always been considered a heavenly place: at first it was perceived as an ominous realm, the house of darkness. To discover the origins of religious rites it is necessary to investigate prehistoric burial sites from an archaeological perspective. Here are some findings.

The oldest written records describe various forms of life after death. The atheist consensus is that the belief in immortality – or religion in general – was established as a form of wishful thinking, a kind of compensatory self-deceit pursued to counter the horror and inevitability of death. However, this argument can easily be put aside if one looks to the history of religion.

The first descriptions of the great beyond written down by the Sumerians and Akkadians do not mention any place of eternal happiness. The ‘other world’ of ancient Mesopotamia is a subterranean land of no return where the dead stay in a depressing darkness, unconscious of their own position. Covered in dirt, they eat clay dumplings and quench their thirst with murky water. This afterlife is not called ‘heaven’ or ‘paradise’, but ‘the house of dust and darkness’. Everyone except gods and heroes ends up in it – even kings. The fate of the dead improves slightly if the living remember about them and, for instance, bring better food to their graves; the worst off are those who are completely forgotten (this should explain the importance of the burial rite).

As is well-known, however, both the ancient civilizations of the Middle East and all other civilizations are a novelty in the history of mankind. There are reasons to think that the belief in life after death is much, much older.

The vast period of prehistory is usually delimited by the invention of writing. It is an unfortunate criterion, because it is often underpinned with the value judgement that those who write are better than those who don’t. Trouble is, in some regions writing wasn’t used until modern times. For this reason, the periodization of history is Western-centric, or, to be precise, Middle Eastern.

On the other hand, the appearance


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How the Body Ages
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How can we explain ageing? Some theories trace the source of the process back to the very essence of the living cell.

According to these theories, the essence of a cell features mechanisms programmed to bring about the death of that very same cell. This approach has a sense of purpose about it. Other concepts point to wear and tear as the reason for ageing. All biomolecules whose activity comprises the phenomenon known as life have to be produced as and when needed, because, having carried out their function several times, these molecules begin to go into decline and need to be replaced. This approach emphasizes the accumulation of damage. Today, there are more than 300 theories grappling with the mystery of ageing. The important thing, however, is to try not to perceive the hypotheses put forward as mutually exclusive; nor should we see the symptoms of ageing as discrete, given that each of them has its roots in all the others and influences them in turn. A living cell is an immensely complicated system of various interactions – dysfunction in but one of them will have an impact on all the others. Rather than a specific ailment, ageing is the sum of various symptoms.

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