Are You an Accepting Type of Person? Are You an Accepting Type of Person?
"Man in restaurant complains to waiter" by Honoré Daumier, 1839, Rijksmuseum (public domain)

Are You an Accepting Type of Person?

Personality Test
Everything’s Gonna Be Alright
time 2 minutes

To accept or to change? Answer without thinking and discover your psychological profile!

You have lint on your clothes – accept or change?

You get annoyed with lint on your clothes – accept or change?


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How Joyful Are You?

A Personality Quiz from the Archives

If you want to better understand and reflect on your ability to feel joy, answer the questions below based on the first thing that comes to your mind. You now have an opportunity to check whether you find the listed statements relatable or not.

1.  When I think about my family home, I feel joyful rather than sad.

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