We share knowledge because we believe in the unlimited potential within each of us.
Przekrój (read: P-sheh-crooy) means “cross-section” in Polish and this word precisely describes what you will find here. We are interested in everything that makes us human and we like to publish articles about anthropology, psychology, and spirituality. When we write about the world (and the universe), we ask various thinkers, philosophers, and scientists working in the fields of social sciences, ecology, physics, astronomy, and history.
Visiting Soul+Body, you will find content on health, spiritual growth, and well-being in general. We are convinced that the body does largely influence our thoughts and emotions, and—the other way around—what we feel and how we perceive the world determines our physical health. Yoga is a very important topic to us, as we believe that it helps us to fully understand ourselves and take care of our well-being. We also write about conscious breathing, the power of touch, and the healing influence of kindness.
The section World+People shows how extraordinary the world we live in is, as well as how many beautiful and inspiring people may be found within it. We look at the stars and gaze into the insides of the human body. We discuss the discoveries that turn old beliefs upside down, and present many open-minded scientists who try to expand the borders of knowledge. We write about nature and the future cities. We are keen observers of everything that matters.
In the world of rapid news, it can be tough to choose what is truly important and universal. Every day, the editorial staff of Przekrój will do that for you—our main interest covers four carefully selected themes each day. Immerse yourself in articles that will give you a lifelong understanding about your world and universe—a more long-lasting knowledge than day-to-day news.
And since we are talking about time already—whenever you feel lost in it, our calendar card guides you back on track! Click on it to expand it, and then click once again to check what’s on the other side! Every day, find a little piece of inspiration, humor, and art, which gives you a tiny break. And if you feel like even more humor, check Humor+Variety; more art—go to Art+Stories or AudioVisual (make sure you don’t miss our Photo section!). We believe that sometimes, one illustration or a photo is worth a thousand words—and those are exactly the kind of “worthy” pictures we select for you.
If you would like to keep any text to read later, or save the one you liked the most, log in to your account (if you don’t have one, it’s easy to create!) and click on the heart icon. You can also send the article to your friends to talk about later. Remember—it is even more fun and inspirational to discuss a text with the ones you love!
We hope you will find something interesting to you on our website. But we are certain of one thing you won’t find here: any ads. The publisher of Przekroj.org is a non-profit foundation, started in 2013 by Tomek Niewiadomski.
“We want to support our readers in their ever-changing lives and accompany them in fostering a steadily growing, fuller, more conscious relationship with themselves and the world. In our fast-paced world, we help you pause for breath, feel your own rhythm, and continue on your way with attention and sensitivity to yourself and others”—that’s what our mission says. The full version is available on our Foundation’s website.
We write about things that makes us think, grow spiritually, and broaden our horizons. We hope that our content similarly inspires you, as it inspires us. Have a nice read!