Let It Flow! Let It Flow!
Photo by Erda Estremera/Unsplash
Good Food

Let It Flow!

How to Manage Water Use
Łukasz Nowacki
time 6 minutes

Can water cool the Earth’s fever? Although the climate disease is advancing incredibly fast, it’s still treatable, and the remedy comes in liquid form. As long as we learn to use it responsibly – for example, by measuring our water use. By influencing the circulation of water in nature, we shape the local microclimate and indirectly affect global warming. Even small actions are important: shutting off the tap while brushing your teeth, or changing everyday appliances to models that use less water. Those are the absolute basics. But we should think about other water management practices that we can introduce in our homes.

Managing ‘our’ water

Let’s start in the bathroom. Replacing a traditional flush toilet with a water-free composting toilet delivers amazing savings! And though we can’t introduce this solution everywhere, it’s worth considering. If you have the opportunity, try to


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How to Recycle Water
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A single raindrop makes little difference when we are dealing with severe drought. But constant droplets wear away a stone! Introduce small changes into your life and you will help Earth, too.

Earth doesn’t seem the most appropriate name for our planet, though. After all, it is the oceans and seas that cover almost three-quarters of its surface. Perhaps it should be called Oceania? This name would better reflect its true nature. Still, many global crises are caused by water shortage. According to a 2019 report by UNICEF and the World Health Organization, a third of people across the world don’t have access to safe drinking water. How is that possible? Do you appreciate that you simply need to turn on the tap, and out comes swift-flowing water? Are you aware that you can purify it at home?

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