Tag: Christianity

How Psychedelics Help You “Die Before You Die”
Soul + Body, World + People
Science, Wellbeing

How Psychedelics Help You “Die Before You Die”

The heart of the religious ritual is mysticism, argues Brian Muraresku in "The Immortality Key."
Derek Beres
A Time to Shed Our Scales
World + People, Art + Stories
Dreams and Visions, Opinions

A Time to Shed Our Scales

Father Maciej Zięba of the Polish Catholic Church talks about the difficulties of the pandemic, dealing with change, and his experiences in the Solidarity movement of the 1980s.
Kamil Bałuk
The Neighbourly Kindness of the Soul
Soul + Body
Breathe In

The Neighbourly Kindness of the Soul

An excerpt from Paramahansa Yogananda’s commentary on the Bible.
Paramahansa Yogananda
The Wisdom of Jesus and the Yoga Siddhas
Art + Stories

The Wisdom of Jesus and the Yoga Siddhas

A master yogi who was brought up in the West notices many similarities between Jesus’s teachings and traditions of yoga.
Marshall Govindan Satchidananda
Love Thy Neighbour? Madness!
Humor + Variety

Love Thy Neighbour? Madness!

The Lord of the Rings himself, none other than the Dark Lord Sauron, talks with Grzegorz Uzdański about the flaws of Jesus, his fondness for Christians with guns, and why he approves of the Polish Church.
Grzegorz Uzdański
How Much Jesus Is There in Jesus?
Art + Stories

How Much Jesus Is There in Jesus?

Helen K. Bond talks about the historical Jesus, why he is a natural ally for children on climate strikes, and how early Christianity can be likened to a countercultural movement.
Tomasz Stawiszyński