Tag: happiness

Program Yourself to Be Happy
Art + Stories

Program Yourself to Be Happy

Optimists live longer, are more self-confident, and deal with stress more effectively. Pessimists can also learn to be optimistic, but it takes some practice.
Jowita Kiwnik Pargana
At Your Own Pace
Soul + Body

At Your Own Pace

Running, jumping, gardening, even caring for animals: these are all physical activities that can benefit our mental health. Psychotherapist Anna Cichoń shows us how to do them in healthy doses.
Kamila Kielar
The Happiest Country in the World
Art + Stories

The Happiest Country in the World

In Bhutan, citizens’ happiness is the measure of the country’s development, rather than GDP. How does this work in practice?
Kazimierz Pytko
Daily Grace
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Daily Grace

Everyday rituals are ephemeral prayers, a hint to the gods for protection, encircling life like a fragrant garland.
Jay Griffiths
On Acceptance
Soul + Body
Good Mood

On Acceptance

The idea of accepting what there is may feel cliched. Yet, when applied with moderation and a sprinkling of help from the Stoic philosophers, it might prove to be a useful exercise after all.
Piotr Stankiewicz
In Search of Clatter
Soul + Body
Good Mood

In Search of Clatter

Joy can feel like an elusive emotion. But what exactly is true joy? And is it really worth aspiring to?
Agata Sikora
A Life in Flow
Soul + Body
Good Mood

A Life in Flow

An iconic psychologist talks about his recipe for a particular kind of happiness—a satisfaction with what you do here and now.
Tomasz Stawiszyński
Cheerful Revolutions in the Fiend Valley
Art + Stories

Cheerful Revolutions in the Fiend Valley

Leadership, organization, joy – the path to success in each of these can be easily explained by a simple story involving various fiends and a lubberkin.
Monika Jagówna Kostera
Happiness at the Bottom of a Teacup
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Happiness at the Bottom of a Teacup

Doing what you love doing is the path to a long and happy life, according to the Japanese philosophy of ‘ikigai’. But how exactly do we find our reason to get out of bed?
Aleksandra Kaniewska