Tag: illness

Brain on the Move
Soul + Body

Brain on the Move

Giving your gray matter a workout is a great idea, but the brain can also benefit immensely from physical activity. Dr. Joanna Podgórska explains how physical exercise impacts our memory and thinking.
Sylwia Niemczyk
The Great Outdoors Is Nature’s Healer
Soul + Body

The Great Outdoors Is Nature’s Healer

Urban living brings with it great intellectual gains, yet living outside in nature can bring manifold benefits, too.
Jill Neimark
The Rojek Sisters Say Down with Aura!
Soul + Body

The Rojek Sisters Say Down with Aura!

Health is on many people’s minds at the moment, but what of seasonal flu? We present you with a 1967 column from The Rojek Sisters series.
The Rojek Sisters
We Are All Colonies
Soul + Body, World + People
Science, Wellbeing

We Are All Colonies

The immune system is both complex and rich; a collection of specialized cells that work together to defend our bodies from viruses and bacteria.
January Weiner
The World’s Oldest Doctor
Soul + Body

The World’s Oldest Doctor

The efficacy of medical treatments can be influenced by many factors. Our correspondent details the success of the placebo effect, and the importance of double-blinding.
January Weiner
Eat and Sweat
Soul + Body

Eat and Sweat

It’s that time of year when our immune systems can be prone to infections. Fear not! With the help of some fluids, healthy food and plenty of rest, you’ll recover just fine from any coughs and colds.
Katarzyna Sroczyńska