Tag: Korea

Before It All Begins
Soul + Body
Breathe In

Before It All Begins

Sunrise in Kenya is like a bloodstained ribbon. In Peru, dawn is a time of great silence. In India, morning is a fleeting moment of freshness. In Seoul, there’s no real morning at all.
Paulina Wilk
Roots, Japanese-Style
Soul + Body
Good Food

Roots, Japanese-Style

Burdock root appears to be ordinary, but – as the cuisine of Japan, China and Korea attests – it can easily be transformed into something quite delightful.
Łukasz Łuczaj
We Are All Parasites
Art + Stories

We Are All Parasites

Bong Joon-ho talks about inequality, violence and the family in his latest film, the Oscar-winning black comedy “Parasite”.
Mateusz Demski