Tag: nature

Let’s Swarm
Soul + Body
Breathe In

Let’s Swarm

In May and June, honeybees migrate to a new nesting site. How do scout bees communicate potential sites in order for the colony to make a collective decision?
Łukasz Kaniewski
Nature’s Melodies Are Disappearing
World + People

Nature’s Melodies Are Disappearing

Musician Marcin Dymiter discusses his field recordings of the natural world and the importance of getting away from human-made sound.
Aleksandra Kozłowska
The Forest Broadcast
World + People

The Forest Broadcast

Spring is the best season in which to hear the chorus of birdsong that emerges from nature – in forests, meadows and urban parks.
Adam Zbyryt
Garden Greens
World + People

Garden Greens

Spring is the perfect time to pick the leaves of nettle, starwort, dandelion, common yarrow and sheep’s sorrel.
Jakub Bas
A Note of Nature
World + People

A Note of Nature

Musical compositions inspired by the sounds of nature can bring relief, while simultaneously raising awareness of issues related to climate change.
Wioleta Żochowska
The Maple’s Face
World + People

The Maple’s Face

The trees of our childhood – with their exceptional shapes, boughs and presence – can feel very human, almost like old friends...
Michał Książek
In-gene-ious Solutions
World + People

In-gene-ious Solutions

In the natural world, biological codes play an important evolutionary role in ensuring that animals communicate honestly – and continue to survive.
Szymon Drobniak
Jungle Liars
World + People

Jungle Liars

They lie, manipulate, and lead us astray. They can also perfectly imitate others. Butterflies, snakes, potoos, and cuckoos are pretty good at conning.
Szymon Drobniak
Feathered Flirts, Avian Advances
World + People

Feathered Flirts, Avian Advances

Author and naturalist Jacek Karczewski talks about the sexual habits of birds, their symbolism in Europe, and why we must strive to describe animals in empathetic terms.
Stasia Budzisz
Non-Human Admiration
World + People

Non-Human Admiration

The biology of other species—their elaborate ornamentation, coloration, range of vision—suggests that it is not only humans who are capable of delighting in nature’s aesthetic pleasures.
Mikołaj Golachowski