Michał Książek

is a poet, reporter, ethnologist and ornithologist. He is also a staunch opponent of disco polo music in youth clubs and at school discos.
Sit! Pose!
World + People
Dreams and Visions

Sit! Pose!

Dogs are known for their fidelity. But what about the fidelity of drawings and paintings that depict them? 
Michał Książek
Bug Beauty
Art + Stories

Bug Beauty

Let's look for creatures that crawl, jump and walk on long legs not only in the tall grass, but also on the canvases of old masters.
Michał Książek
The Maple’s Face
World + People

The Maple’s Face

The trees of our childhood—with their exceptional shapes, boughs and presence—can feel very human, almost like old friends...
Michał Książek
Tall Tales
World + People

Tall Tales

Their centuries-old trunks and green crowns are not only witnesses of history, but also its characters, both protecting and creating stories.
Michał Książek
The World Is a Larch
World + People

The World Is a Larch

In many cultures and languages, trees – their roots, trunks and branches – carry great narrative significance.
Michał Książek
The First Roadside Tree
Art + Stories
Art, Fiction

The First Roadside Tree

In the 1970s, a Neolithic vase was found during an archaeological dig in southern Poland. It depicts what may be the first roadside tree.
Michał Książek
Fantasy Forests
World + People

Fantasy Forests

As natural, primaeval forests across the world continue to shrink, might we look towards popular fantasy fiction to better understand how we must preserve the gifts of nature?
Michał Książek
The Spruces of the Krukawe Woods
World + People

The Spruces of the Krukawe Woods

In the primaeval Białowieża Forest, a small spruce is growing. But unlike the oak trees that surround it, this spruce is growing above the ground…
Michał Książek
The Characteristic ‘Tsirrr’ of the Long-Tailed Tit
World + People

The Characteristic ‘Tsirrr’ of the Long-Tailed Tit

Our nature correspondent describes the wildlife of Poland – this week using the chorus of avian voices in a wildly-populated primeval forest.
Michał Książek
On Thin Ice
World + People

On Thin Ice

In the Russian Far East, climate change is causing more and more permafrost to melt. The effects could be disastrous, and not only for Yakuts.
Michał Książek