Marcin Orliński

Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Editor for Culture & Society and Poetry Section – “Przekrój” Magazine

He works mainly with literature, although he happens to visit other regions of the symbolic universe every now and again. He’s active in many fields of contemporary Polish poetry – as a production line worker, head chef, and chief conductor. He penned a book in literary criticism titled Płynne przejścia [Fluid Transitions], a short story collection Zabiegi [Procedures], and five poetry collections, the most recent being Środki doraźne [Temporary Measures]. Until recently, he worked in the educational publishing house Nowa Era as an editor and proofreader of Polish textbooks. In ancient times (right after obtaining a degree in Philosophy at the University of Warsaw – the Precambrian Eon), he tried his luck in advertising. At “Przekrój”, he’s responsible for culture and society-related issues. He writes the poetry column and translates some texts from English. In his spare time, he runs around Warsaw (despite physical dangers), and ponders over quantum mechanics and astrophysics (despite psychological dangers). The number of places in the world he has been to remains significantly lower than the number of places he has never visited.