The Other School

Pure Joy
World + People
The Other School

Pure Joy

Here is some unscientific proof that life with a dog is much better than life without one.
Paulina Wilk
A Universe of Gameplay
World + People
The Other School

A Universe of Gameplay

Life is a game and everyone (or really, everything) is a player.
Krzysztof Kłosin
The Sweet Fruit of Hardship
World + People
The Other School

The Sweet Fruit of Hardship

Can education be easy and fun? Are stress-free schools and effortless teaching conceivable? It’s not that simple. The human brain likes hardship, even if it pushes back against it.
Aleksandra Pezda
The Prickly Sinner
World + People
The Other School

The Prickly Sinner

In many parts of Europe, the image of a hedgehog with an apple on his back is an iconic one—but in fact, the pleasant picture belies a long history of negative associations with the little animal.  
Łukasz Modelski
Great Writing
World + People
The Other School

Great Writing

More-or-less at the same time as the invention of the wheel, a second, perhaps even better, idea was born: writing things down.
Maciej Wesołowski
Cieszyn of the Two Nations
World + People
The Other School

Cieszyn of the Two Nations

Time passes slowly here, lovers kiss on the Friendship Bridge, and tourists ask the locals about the rotunda made of twenty gold coins. The very name of the city here makes a person happy.
Beata Mońka, Marcin Mońka
Nice To Err
World + People
The Other School

Nice To Err

If it were possible to eliminate all the errors in the world, take into account all circumstances and predict all consequences, then science would become unnecessary, and life would be boring and repetitive. Without mistakes, there would be no evolution or diversity. We would either be at a standstill, or completely extinct.
Szymon Drobniak
The Language of the Gods
World + People
The Other School

The Language of the Gods

It is one of the world’s oldest languages and belongs to the Indo-European family, meaning that Sanskrit is still alive and well today—at home and abroad.
Agnieszka Rostkowska
The Wizard from the Land of Psychoanalysis
World + People
The Other School

The Wizard from the Land of Psychoanalysis

In his time, Bruno Bettelheim was a leading authority in child psychology, psychoanalysis and autism. Years later, it turned out that his story was far from a fairy tale…
Aleksandra Kozłowska
The World’s Bravest Economist
World + People
The Other School

The World’s Bravest Economist

Some call her “the world’s scariest economist,” but Mariana Mazzucato is the boldest. She reminds the people that politicians and companies do not decide the fate of the world—we do.
Paulina Wilk
Nature-deficit Disorder: What Kids Lose Without Enough Outdoors
World + People
The Other School

Nature-deficit Disorder: What Kids Lose Without Enough Outdoors

Research explains the positive impact and health benefits of children spending more time in nature.
Jaimee Bell
When Worldviews Collide: Why Science Needs To Be Taught Differently
World + People
The Other School

When Worldviews Collide: Why Science Needs To Be Taught Differently

Science doesn’t exist in a cultural and existential vacuum and its teaching shouldn’t either.
Marcelo Gleiser

PRZEKRÓJ Foundation

PRZEKRÓJ Foundation wants to provide thrills that result in sparks of conscious growth. In addition to funding the magazine, we engage in art projects, performances, films, festivals, workshops, and exhibitions, where we regularly meet our Readers. We want to help others foster a fuller, more conscious relationship with themselves and the world.


Children around the world

World + People