You Are Made of Waste You Are Made of Waste

You Are Made of Waste

Curt Stager
time 5 minutes

Searching for the ultimate example of recycling? Look in the mirror.

You may think of yourself as a highly refined and sophisticated creature—and you are. But you are also full of discarded, rejected, and recycled atomic elements. Don’t worry, though—so is almost everyone and everything else.

Carbon: Your Inky Nails

Look at one of your fingernails. Carbon makes up half of its mass, and roughly one in eight of those carbon atoms recently emerged from a chimney or a tailpipe. Coal-fired power plants, petroleum-guzzling cars, and kitchen gas stoves release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Each of those waste molecules is a carbon atom borne on


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An Archaeologist and a Citizen An Archaeologist and a Citizen
Garbology (or the archaeology of modern waste) in practice on the streets of Tehran – Leila’s last project in Iran. Photo from Leia Papoli-Yazdi’s private archive
Dreams and Visions

An Archaeologist and a Citizen

An Interview with Leila Papoli-Yazdi
Aleksandra Lipczak

In 2010, there were only eight female archaeology professors in Iran’s universities. Aleksandra Lipczak talks to one of them, the Iranian archaeologist and academic Leila Papoli-Yazdi.

Let me start with a question you often ask your students: why do archaeologists need gender?

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