Joanna Mąkowska

An Americanist, literary scholar, lecturer at the Center for American Studies at the University of Warsaw, and at the Open University of Warsaw University, also a translator.
Soul + Body
Breathe In


People suffered, but doctors were unable to help them. They sought new methods of alleviating pain, but in fact, such methods already existed. Everyone carries these methods inside themselves, says molecular biologist Jon Kabat-Zinn.
Sylwia Niemczyk
Brain on the Move
Soul + Body

Brain on the Move

Giving your gray matter a workout is a great idea, but the brain can also benefit immensely from physical activity. Dr. Joanna Podgórska explains how physical exercise impacts our memory and thinking.
Sylwia Niemczyk
Program Yourself to Be Happy
Art + Stories

Program Yourself to Be Happy

Optimists live longer, are more self-confident, and deal with stress more effectively. Pessimists can also learn to be optimistic, but it takes some practice.
Jowita Kiwnik Pargana
Another Me
World + People
Dreams and Visions

Another Me

To what extent are the need for friendship and the ability to form this kind of relationship encoded in us and to what degree are they socially acquired? 
Marek Bieńczyk
Are You an Accepting Type of Person?
Humor + Variety

Are You an Accepting Type of Person?

Reveal how accepting you really are – of lint on your clothes and of the world, but also of the results of this personality test.
Everything’s Gonna Be Alright
How to Build a Nation
Art + Stories

How to Build a Nation

It was thanks to the efforts of patriotic scholars that the Bohemian language and culture were rescued from the Habsburg Monarchy.
Agnieszka Fiedorowicz
Iron People
World + People

Iron People

We know little about the Celts since they had a similar attitude to writing as they did to the Romans. In the collective imagination, the Celts are situated at the intersection of history and myth. So how much have we actually found out about them?
Maciej Świetlik
Let’s Swarm
Soul + Body
Breathe In

Let’s Swarm

In May and June, honeybees migrate to a new nesting site. How do scout bees communicate potential sites in order for the colony to make a collective decision?
Łukasz Kaniewski
Nature’s Melodies Are Disappearing
World + People

Nature’s Melodies Are Disappearing

Musician Marcin Dymiter discusses his field recordings of the natural world and the importance of getting away from human-made sound.
Aleksandra Kozłowska
The Yellow Dragon of the Yellow River
Soul + Body
Good Mood

The Yellow Dragon of the Yellow River

Across thousands of years, the colour yellow has held many meanings within Chinese society and culture.
Aleksandra Woźniak-Marchewka
Through Storm and Drought
World + People

Through Storm and Drought

Edith and Frederic Clements were early pioneers in ecology and the holistic approach to nature – yet their work has not been fully appreciated until recently.
Paulina Wilk
Backyard Fungi
Soul + Body
Good Food

Backyard Fungi

Parasol mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and shiitake can all be easily grown in your backyard or garden. Find out how!
Łukasz Nowacki