Aleksandra Woźniak-Marchewka

A sinologist and Japanese philologist. Writes a blog about Asian and Scandinavian literature. She trains kendo and travels by train.
Great Chemistry
World + People

Great Chemistry

It is true that alchemists did not manage to invent the elixir of life, but we owe them for the discovery of oxygen, as well as the famous phrase "only the dose makes the poison." Their search helped lay the foundations of modern science.
Aleksandra Woźniak-Marchewka
Paint the Way You Live
Art + Stories

Paint the Way You Live

Vedic Art workshops can help unlock one’s creative potential—and also reveal insights about one’s emotions, needs, and desires.
Aleksandra Woźniak-Marchewka
All in White
Soul + Body
Breathe In

All in White

Activity without wisdom would be meaningless, which is why, in Buddhism, female wisdom is always at the root of masculine activity.
Aleksandra Woźniak-Marchewka
The Goatherd and the Cave
World + People

The Goatherd and the Cave

The story of the Dead Sea Scrolls is full of intrigue: an extraordinary desert discovery, a mysterious cult, wars both ancient and modern, a treasure hunt, and an international affair.
Aleksandra Woźniak-Marchewka
The Essence of the Universe
Soul + Body
Good Mood

The Essence of the Universe

Originally conceived in China and Polynesia, these two concepts are ubiquitous in Western popular culture. They might also reveal something universal about the human experience.
Aleksandra Woźniak-Marchewka
The Body as a Whole
Soul + Body

The Body as a Whole

Traditional Chinese medicine takes a holistic approach to preventing disease and treating the body.
Aleksandra Woźniak-Marchewka
The Yellow Dragon of the Yellow River
Soul + Body
Good Mood

The Yellow Dragon of the Yellow River

Across thousands of years, the colour yellow has held many meanings within Chinese society and culture.
Aleksandra Woźniak-Marchewka
Instructions for Departure
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Instructions for Departure

In contemporary Western culture, death is taboo. Yet Buddhism illustrates how we can take a different approach to death; one that is not as dissimilar as we might expect.
Aleksandra Woźniak-Marchewka