Kamila Dzika-Jurek

She holds a PhD in literature, is a literary critic and a mother. She writes, corrects, inspires, and runs workshops for teenagers.
Morality With Its Claws Out
Art + Stories

Morality With Its Claws Out

We can learn a lot of life lessons from cats, especially that famous one in boots!
Kamila Dzika-Jurek
Flame in Hand
Art + Stories

Flame in Hand

The power of literature lies in its ability to forge connections—between the past and the present, between us and the lives of others.
Kamila Dzika-Jurek
With a Bit of Luck
Soul + Body
Good Mood

With a Bit of Luck

Through happy coincidences, great discoveries—such as penicillin or meeting one’s soulmate—can be made.
Kamila Dzika-Jurek
A Time of Fragility
Art + Stories

A Time of Fragility

The time when girls become teenagers entails a period of rapid changes – both hormonal and societal. Yet it also reveals the incredible brightness of adolescence.
Kamila Dzika-Jurek
The Winter Dreams of Phlegmatics
Soul + Body
The Four Elements

The Winter Dreams of Phlegmatics

When winter arrives with its cool air and seasonal stagnation, so too does the phlegmatic humor, characterized by a peaceful and slow approach to life.
Kamila Dzika-Jurek
The Melancholics of Fall
Art + Stories

The Melancholics of Fall

Autumn brings with it early signs of decay, as well as the most enigmatic of the four humors.
Kamila Dzika-Jurek
Summer with the Cholerics
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Summer with the Cholerics

According to the ancient theory of humorism, cholerics are full of yellow bile and fire. This gives them a remarkable energy.
Kamila Dzika-Jurek
The Springtime Sanguines
Art + Stories

The Springtime Sanguines

Spring is commonly associated with new life and warmth. Yet it is also connected with blood – more specifically, the sanguine temperament.
Kamila Dzika-Jurek
All That Green Stuff Behind Glass
Art + Stories

All That Green Stuff Behind Glass

Modern society is moving further and further away from greenery, with forests and parks obscured behind screens and windows.
Kamila Dzika-Jurek
Winter’s Work
Art + Stories

Winter’s Work

“Moominvalley in November” is the only book in Tove Jansson’s series to not feature the Moomins. Yet it is a beautiful examination of winter, light and darkness.
Kamila Dzika-Jurek