Maria Górz

lives in Lower Silesia. With her husband Andrzej, she is setting up an ecological community. She is currently in training to become a psychotherapist. She explores the secrets of the human (un)conscious and the mysteries of the world of nature. In 2018, she conducted her own ‘Garden Meditations’ cycle in Jazdów, Warsaw.
Yogic Sleep
Soul + Body
Breathe In

Yogic Sleep

The practice of yoga nidra – or yogic sleep – is accessible to everyone and can help us relax our body and mind.
Maria Górz
The Island of Calm Souls
Art + Stories

The Island of Calm Souls

On the north-eastern coast of Tenerife lies a small village. The community in Roque Bermejo have found their own, unique way of living.
Maria Górz
The Wisdom of Flowers
World + People

The Wisdom of Flowers

Spring is the perfect time to be inspired by nature – flowers can be a great source of knowledge for us humans.
Maria Górz
Walking Meditation Exercises for Spring
Soul + Body
Breathe In

Walking Meditation Exercises for Spring

The spring weather can be enjoyed mindfully. A meditation teacher suggests five walking meditation exercises.
Maria Górz