Days of the Gods Days of the Gods
Illustration by Karyna Piwowarska

Days of the Gods

12 Holidays from the Indian Calendar
Paulina Wilk
time 4 minutes

If you feel like you could use more opportunities to celebrate, here is a list of unique holidays brought to you straight from India.

The reformed Indian calendar is a solar one, divided into 12 months, each measured from full moon to new moon. It is used along with the Gregorian one by the local administration and offices. It also serves for marking the dates of public holidays, allowing the synchronization of the passing of time for people who follow different religions, inhabit many regions, and use various traditional solar and lunar calendars. The most important holidays are those that take place during the full or new moon nights. The year is divided into six seasons, called ritu. According to


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Conceiving God Conceiving God
Illustration by Karyna Piwowarska
Dreams and Visions

Conceiving God

Instructions for Writing a Divine Biography
Tomasz Wiśniewski

There are as many gods as there are accounts of divine lives. But they all have one thing in common – childhood.

The God of monotheistic traditions, being absolute and infinite, has no biography. This God has no childhood or adolescence, for he does not exist in time but in eternity. He has no parents on whom his birth depends; he is born of himself. In fact, he has no conceivable body. According to logic, God/the Absolute should not have any individual features, with the exception of abstract attributes such as omniscience, omnipotence, and so on. Sacred Muslim art, the most consistent in this form of depiction, is dominated by near-abstract mosaics, geometric ornaments, and patterns with a beauty not of this world.

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