Everybody Knows Everybody Knows

Everybody Knows

An Innocent Discussion About Youth
Ewa Pawlik
time 3 minutes

As a result of everybody knows what, we weren’t able to organize the next debate with the flower of Polish underage intelligence. As if what everybody knows wasn’t enough, in addition the table we meet at moved to a different kitchen, in a completely different house. The series is governed by its own laws, and it would be difficult for us to give up and accept the fact that in our quarterly’s summer edition it could just simply


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The Theory and Practice of Play The Theory and Practice of Play
The Other School

The Theory and Practice of Play

An Innocent Discussion About Playing
Ewa Pawlik

During a panel discussion on a famous French intellectual’s theory of play, a Warsaw neighbourhood group dedicated to child intelligence demonstrates that a lack of formal education doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of knowledge.

From the anthropological point of view, there is no community whose members are unfamiliar with the idea of leisure activity. The French intellectual, literary critic, philosopher and sociologist Roger Caillois made play the subject of deep research and analysis, which bore fruit in his identification of the fundamental rules that govern it.

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