Communing with the Moment Communing with the Moment
Photo by Marek Piwnicki/Unsplash
Breathe In

Communing with the Moment

How to Avoid Circular Thinking
Marcin Polak
time 3 minutes

Beautiful moments are seen not in hurrying, but in slowing down, in wandering. Circular thinking happens all too easily, while the fragments of thought that are open to the immeasurable form incredible patterns.

Generalizing, making circular thoughts out of thought fragments, is a normal, popular and boring process. At the same time, in life, only moments are beautiful: scraps of time and thought. I used to think about this line sung by Ryszard Riedel [of popular Polish blues rock band Dżem – trans. note] by way of circular thoughts – thinking that only some moments in life are beautiful. I thought there were more


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Drawing by Marek Raczkowski
Breathe In

Three Exercises for Focusing the Mind

Magdalena Róża Skoczewska

Wider vision

  1. Sit down and focus your attention on your breathing. Don’t change it, let it flow naturally.

  2. Turn your attention to how each inhalation and exhalation is present in your body. Allow a few minutes to observe it.

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