To read

Yam Porridge and Odun Isu
Soul + Body

Yam Porridge and Odun Isu

[...] Yams are much loved in Nigeria for their versatility, adapting well to a wide range of recipes and cooking [...]
Mariam Adetona
The First Roadside Tree
Art + Stories

The First Roadside Tree

[...] They used up to 3.5 kilograms of wood per day per person just for heating, lighting and cooking. [...]
Michał Książek
Okroshka and Dacha
Soul + Body

Okroshka and Dacha

[...] time and energy cooking in the heat of field work. [...]
Aleksei Morozov
A Sea of (Olive) Oil
Soul + Body

A Sea of (Olive) Oil

[...] Brun also notes that using oil for show was a priority, and poorer citizens used lamp or cooking oil. [...]
Łukasz Modelski
The Great Outdoors Is Nature’s Healer
Soul + Body

The Great Outdoors Is Nature’s Healer

[...] I become cold-adapted in winter, cooking in a hoodie and sandals, in temperatures that might have formerly [...]
Jill Neimark
An Open Home, A Wandering Home
World + People

An Open Home, A Wandering Home

[...] Girls fill buckets to carry back to their mothers – the water is useful for making tea, cooking, and spraying [...]
Paulina Wilk
Vatas, Pittas and Kaphas
Soul + Body

Vatas, Pittas and Kaphas

[...] The basic Ayurvedic cooking set can be pricey, but it lasts for a long time. Cooking gets much quicker. [...]
Maria Hawranek
A Celebration of the Feast
Art + Stories

A Celebration of the Feast

[...] Hence, the art of cooking and feasting acts as a comprehensible, two-way medium. [...]
Łukasz Modelski
The Anxiety Virus
Soul + Body

The Anxiety Virus

[...] It could be cooking together, singing, playing games, or even simultaneous film-watching. [...]
Robert Rient
A Hint of Appreciation for Mint
Soul + Body

A Hint of Appreciation for Mint

[...] they rise to the surface (cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of the dough, the size of the pot [...]
Łukasz Łuczaj