Tag: health

Sleep Well
Soul + Body

Sleep Well

Falling asleep at regular times and for regular periods is essential for mental and physical wellbeing. There are a number of steps you can take to encourage it.
Paulina Wilk
Upside Down is Right Side Up
Soul + Body

Upside Down is Right Side Up

How turning the position of the body, quite literally, on its head is believed to increase circulation, improve energy levels, and strengthen muscles.
Dominika Bok
The Power of Moxa
Soul + Body
Good Food

The Power of Moxa

In parts of East Asia, dried mugwort leaves are burned by folk doctors to prevent the sorts of illnesses that can arise in the winter months.
Agnieszka Rostkowska
Healing Exercises from Tibet
Soul + Body
Breathe In

Healing Exercises from Tibet

Tsa Lung—a Tibetan yogic practice—uses breathing and physical exercises to blend body, mind, and soul.
Dominika Bok
Vatas, Pittas, and Kaphas
Soul + Body
Breathe In

Vatas, Pittas, and Kaphas

Ayurvedic therapist Patrycja Sadowska explains what doshas are and how we can practice Ayurveda—despite being far from its native India.
Maria Hawranek
The Apostle of (Inner) Peace
Soul + Body
Good Mood

The Apostle of (Inner) Peace

Thích Nhất Hạnh, the spiritual father of mindfulness, lived a remarkable life focused on empathy, forgiveness, and peace.
Paulina Wilk
The Flashlight of Awareness
Soul + Body

The Flashlight of Awareness

Is it possible to achieve inner harmony? How can we stop our thoughts for longer than a moment?
Ram Dass
Garden Greens
World + People

Garden Greens

Spring is the perfect time to pick the leaves of nettle, starwort, dandelion, common yarrow and sheep’s sorrel.
Jakub Bas
Beehive Medicine
Soul + Body

Beehive Medicine

Bees produce honey, wax, pollen and propolis. Apitherapy shows us how to use these products to enrich our own health and well-being.
Dominika Bok
Breathe In, Gently
Soul + Body
Breathe In

Breathe In, Gently

Excessive breathing can entail too little carbon dioxide in our body, which can lead to numerous health complications. This can be solved with diaphragmatic breathing.
Jakub Bas