Tag: psychology

Psychology Is Our Modern Mythology
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Psychology Is Our Modern Mythology

Contemporary psychology – with its rites, symbols and stories – plays the same role for modern humankind as mythology once played for our forebears.
Rami Gabriel
Liquid Maturity
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Liquid Maturity

Sometimes in life you have to take bold decisions, ones that don’t always fit with what others expect from you. A conversation about our more (and less) responsible choices.
Aleksandra Pezda
Knock Before You Enter
World + People
Dreams and Visions

Knock Before You Enter

An author and psychologist on the power of sensitivity, empathy, and having one’s own room.
Monika Kucia
Art for Art’s Sake?
Art + Stories

Art for Art’s Sake?

Admiring a work of art often feels like an emotionally-enriching experience. But does engaging with the arts actually instigate demonstrable psychological change?
Ellen Winner
Summer with the Cholerics
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Summer with the Cholerics

According to the ancient theory of humorism, cholerics are full of yellow bile and fire. This gives them a remarkable energy.
Kamila Dzika-Jurek
Longing for Emptiness
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Longing for Emptiness

In a world of social media and internet scrolling, information is constant and it's everywhere. How can we turn off and avoid overstimulating our brains?
Aleksandra Kozłowska
I Collect Signs of the End
World + People
Dreams and Visions

I Collect Signs of the End

Philosopher and political scientist Leszek Koczanowicz talks about the different aspects of societal fear and anxiety, and how this is connected with Sherlock Holmes.
Aleksandra Pezda
Don’t Fear the Tiger
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Don’t Fear the Tiger

Over thousands of years, our brains have developed to pay attention to negative stimuli. This can also make it difficult to deal with anxious thoughts.
Jowita Kiwnik Pargana
The Smell of Fear
World + People

The Smell of Fear

Child and adolescent psychiatrist Jacek Dębiec talks about how we communicate fear and whether it is possible to inherit trauma across different generations.
Jowita Kiwnik Pargana
How Does Hypnosis Really Impact the Brain?
Soul + Body

How Does Hypnosis Really Impact the Brain?

A groundbreaking Stanford University study explains the areas of the brain that are impacted by hypnosis.
Jaimee Bell