Tag: trees

The Maple’s Face
World + People

The Maple’s Face

The trees of our childhood—with their exceptional shapes, boughs and presence—can feel very human, almost like old friends...
Michał Książek
Tall Tales
World + People

Tall Tales

Their centuries-old trunks and green crowns are not only witnesses of history, but also its characters, both protecting and creating stories.
Michał Książek
Trees Are Friendlier Than You Think
World + People

Trees Are Friendlier Than You Think

Somewhat surprisingly, trees that grow close together form sociable communities, where they ‘talk’ to each other, share information and look after themselves.
Jonny Thomson
The World Is a Larch
World + People

The World Is a Larch

In many cultures and languages, trees – their roots, trunks and branches – carry great narrative significance.
Michał Książek
The Tree of Life
World + People

The Tree of Life

From ancient history to the Middle Ages and beyond, the image of the tree of life has held great symbolism and significance for many cultures.
Anna Arno
The Minds Of Plants
World + People

The Minds Of Plants

From the memories of flowers to the sociability of trees, the cognitive capacities of our vegetal cousins are all around us.
Laura Ruggles
Bark Medicine
World + People

Bark Medicine

Tree bark has many health-related uses – as our ancestors were well-acquainted with. Even hugging a tree can have psychological benefits.
Anna Berestecka
Nature-deficit Disorder: What Kids Lose Without Enough Outdoors
World + People
The Other School

Nature-deficit Disorder: What Kids Lose Without Enough Outdoors

Research explains the positive impact and health benefits of children spending more time in nature.
Jaimee Bell
Grab a Spade and Get Digging!
World + People

Grab a Spade and Get Digging!

Witold Szwedkowski, poet and Urban Guerrilla Gardening activist, talks about backyard policy, the spade as a tool of rebellion, and the subversive potential of the pumpkin.
Marta Anna Zabłocka
A Springtime Pine
World + People

A Springtime Pine

The pine – found in forests, mountains and on shores across much of the northern hemisphere – is a most wonderful tree, evergreen and richly aromatic.
Dominika Bok