Don’t stop being angry but also don’t lose sight of beauty. A letter to a young climate activist.
Dear Galicia,
Climate chaos is the worst thing human beings have brought upon themselves and the earth, and we are beginning to see its impact, in heartbreaking phenomena from melting ice to starving whales to burning forests and cities. If you’re sad, you’re not alone. If you’re scared, you’re not alone. Those of you who are young have every reason to be furious that you were handed a world entering into an era of catastrophe and disruption. You did nothing to make this mess and most of us who are older didn’t do enough to avert it during the last thirty-plus years that we have known we should act, the last fifteen-plus when we had the renewable-energy technology to leave the age of fossil fuel behind.
I would never question the rightness of that fury, but I am going to go after despair, hopelessness, and powerlessness. And maybe your fury pointed in the right direction is a treasure: a non-fossil fuel, a clean-burning fire, a passion to do what we need to do. Fury can fight for all that is still with us and all that is worth protecting. And