Julia Fiedorczuk

A poet, writer, translator and lecturer at the University of Warsaw, Institute of English Studies.
Francesca Woodman: Intimacy
Art + Stories

Francesca Woodman: Intimacy

The American photographer known for her blurry black-and-white pictures was active for just several years, and her poetic and provocative work is only now receiving the recognition it deserves.
Julia Fiedorczuk
The Eternal Beginner
Art + Stories

The Eternal Beginner

The American composer was a true pioneer, combining Zen Buddhism and indeterminacy in his avant-garde approach to music.
Julia Fiedorczuk
The Lessons of Thích Nhất Hạnh
Soul + Body
Breathe In

The Lessons of Thích Nhất Hạnh

The teachings of Vietnamese Zen master Thích Nhất Hạnh – from deep ecology to engaged Buddhism – are just as relevant today as ever.
Julia Fiedorczuk
Metaphors of Nature
World + People

Metaphors of Nature

If only humans would stop for a moment and observe the world around us, we might discover that there are other modes of cognition, just as fascinating as ours.
Julia Fiedorczuk
An Introduction to Zoë Skoulding’s “Weather this”
Art + Stories

An Introduction to Zoë Skoulding’s “Weather this”

Zoë Skoulding’s poem “Weather this” is both playful and serious, teasing out a meditation on how we perceive the natural world.
Julia Fiedorczuk
Against Apocalypse
World + People

Against Apocalypse

What does the word ‘apocalypse’ mean? And how can we understand it in the context of an Earth hurtling towards climate catastrophe?
Julia Fiedorczuk
How Encyclopaedias Die
Art + Stories

How Encyclopaedias Die

The pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. As a result, unique cultures and languages are dying out.
Julia Fiedorczuk
An Introduction to Cynthia Hogue’s “The Simple”
Art + Stories

An Introduction to Cynthia Hogue’s “The Simple”

Cynthia Hogue’s poem “The Simple” is a rejection of the temptation of absolutes.
Julia Fiedorczuk
Loss Is Such a Useless Word
World + People
Dreams and Visions

Loss Is Such a Useless Word

American poet Forrest Gander talks about the climate, the role of poetry, and where we can find hope.
Julia Fiedorczuk
Frustrating and Fascinating Questions
World + People
Dreams and Visions

Frustrating and Fascinating Questions

Jonathan Safran Foer, author of “We Are the Weather”, talks about pursuing an environmental way of life, the power of poetry, and how he engages in constructive conversation about climate.
Julia Fiedorczuk
Goddess O’Keeffe
Art + Stories

Goddess O’Keeffe

Georgia O’Keeffe – the first lady of the American avant-garde, the mother of American painting – deserves her place in the pantheon of women whose art made history.
Julia Fiedorczuk
Lessons in Coexistence
World + People

Lessons in Coexistence

We are panicking a bit. But we are also genuinely concerned about a situation where a huge amount will depend upon whether we want to work together.
Julia Fiedorczuk