They’re powerful and strong, fluffy and sweet, but when we meet face to face we start to perceive them as wild beasts. Humans are equally fascinated and afraid of them—if we want to protect these animals, we must act wisely.
Panting loudly, a young bear rises on its hind legs, then falls back onto the ground and turns around. Agitated, it runs back and forth, huffing and growling, then climbs onto a small rock and takes a few steps towards the person filming it. It’s sending clear warning signals. After about thirty seconds, the bear runs down the slope and disappears from view, we can only hear its growling. After another few seconds, a man pepper sprays and audibly kicks the animal. The camera captures an ear and part of the animal’s head. Then, in the background, blueberry bushes and the sky flash by; we hear the moans of the retreating bear.
This video was shot in June 2022, during breeding season. Males buzzing with hormones are potentially more aggressive, especially if they mistake us for their competitors. A Slovak tourist first watched for twenty minutes as the bear slowly approached him, probably unaware of the man’s presence. Then, not only did the visitor not back off, he also ignored all the warning signs. After the incident, the man posted the video accompanied by a detailed account of it on social media. He was met with a wave of criticism—his irresponsible behavior exposed the bear to enormous stress. Such an encounter could affect the young animal and its future attitude towards humans; perhaps it will fear people and become aggressive.