Aleksandra Pezda

is a journalist writing about health and education.
The Sweet Fruit of Hardship
World + People
The Other School

The Sweet Fruit of Hardship

Can education be easy and fun? Are stress-free schools and effortless teaching conceivable? It’s not that simple. The human brain likes hardship, even if it pushes back against it.
Aleksandra Pezda
Open Your Ears
Art + Stories

Open Your Ears

Truly hearing what someone else has to say—or even the birds outside the window—is a rare skill. Yet it can benefit everyone’s health and well-being.
Aleksandra Pezda
Partial Recall
World + People

Partial Recall

An expert in neuroscience talks about what memory is, whether we can train it, and if we might be able to read other people’s thoughts in the future.
Aleksandra Pezda
Liquid Maturity
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Liquid Maturity

Sometimes in life you have to take bold decisions, ones that don’t always fit with what others expect from you. A conversation about our more (and less) responsible choices.
Aleksandra Pezda
I Collect Signs of the End
World + People
Dreams and Visions

I Collect Signs of the End

Philosopher and political scientist Leszek Koczanowicz talks about the different aspects of societal fear and anxiety, and how this is connected with Sherlock Holmes.
Aleksandra Pezda
The Open Scissors Effect
Soul + Body
Good Mood

The Open Scissors Effect

Psychologist and psychotherapist Agnieszka Carrasco-Żylicz talks about the pressures that today’s youth are facing, and how this impacts their mental health.
Aleksandra Pezda
How the Brain Develops
World + People

How the Brain Develops

Biologist Marek Kaczmarzyk talks about how humans differ from chimpanzees, the problem with fractions, and whether the brain ever really matures.
Aleksandra Pezda
How to Fall Asleep
Soul + Body, World + People
Science, Wellbeing

How to Fall Asleep

Adam Wichniak, a psychiatrist from the Sleep Disorders Centre in Warsaw, talks about insomnia, smartphones and blue light, and how we can get better sleep.
Aleksandra Pezda
When Will I Learn to Fly, Mum?
World + People
The Other School

When Will I Learn to Fly, Mum?

Anna Grąbczewska, President of the Children’s University Foundation in Poland, talks about the curiosity of children, why school doesn’t work for everyone, and how we can change teaching methods for the better.
Aleksandra Pezda