Tag: art

The Radiance (and Gloom) of Yellow
Art + Stories

The Radiance (and Gloom) of Yellow

The colour yellow glimmers in the art of Giotto and Van Gogh, among others. Yet there is a more sinister story behind the pigment the painters used.
Szymon Drobniak
Crazy, Real, Supernatural!
Art + Stories

Crazy, Real, Supernatural!

In their games, explorations, and art, the Surrealists embraced the land of imagination—and showed precisely why it is so powerful.
Agnieszka Taborska
We Are the Future!
Art + Stories

We Are the Future!

Russian Futurism developed alongside Italian Futurism, yet the two art movements ultimately took different directions.
Maciej Świetlik
I Create Everything Anew
Art + Stories

I Create Everything Anew

The painter and theorist Wassily Kandinsky was a pioneer of abstraction in the West. His art was influenced by both expressionism and spirituality.
Małgorzata Czyńska
Too Close to Midnight
Art + Stories

Too Close to Midnight

Israeli visual artist Yael Bartana talks about the prospect of women ruling the world, patriarchal norms, and her new film “Two Minutes to Midnight”.
Mateusz Demski
Art for Art’s Sake?
Art + Stories

Art for Art’s Sake?

Admiring a work of art often feels like an emotionally-enriching experience. But does engaging with the arts actually instigate demonstrable psychological change?
Ellen Winner
To Know Beautifully
World + People

To Know Beautifully

Art and science might seem unconnected and dissimilar, yet the combination of these two disciplines is as wonderful as it is surprising.
Szymon Drobniak
A Three-Dimensional Nothing
Art + Stories

A Three-Dimensional Nothing

In the art world anything can happen, and at the same time nothing has to happen. Holography is a technique that artists have slightly forgotten. It’s a pity.
Stach Szabłowski
An Artist of Many Faces
Art + Stories

An Artist of Many Faces

Nadia Léger – also known as Wanda Chodasiewicz – is barely remembered today. Yet the painter practised a great many styles, playing a significant role in Polish art history.
Zbigniew Libera
Documenting Crisis

Documenting Crisis

What can we discover by examining three photos, all of which depict poverty in the early 20th century?
Wojciech Nowicki