Tag: health

The Lost Art of Rest
Soul + Body

The Lost Art of Rest

Smartphones, laptops and the capitalist work culture mean that it is increasingly hard to switch off. What activities provide us with the most rest?
Paulina Wilk
Concentration: Making Life Sacred
Soul + Body
Breathe In

Concentration: Making Life Sacred

A master yogi who was brought up in the West explains how to calm your mind and body in the times of the pandemic.
Marshall Govindan Satchidananda
There Is No Spoon
Soul + Body, World + People
Breathe In, Science

There Is No Spoon

Let’s stop fooling ourselves and admit it: the human brain has had a difficult evolutionary history. And that’s why it’s constantly wanting, constantly afraid, and constantly looking. What should we do about it? Meditate.
Aleksandra Reszelska
Trampled Nobility
Soul + Body
Good Food

Trampled Nobility

In this edition of ‘Miracle Diet’, we look at the mirabelle plum – a juicy, yellow delight that finds its way into all sorts of liquers and sauces.
Monika Kucia
Forbidden Fruit
Soul + Body
Good Food

Forbidden Fruit

In this edition of ‘Miracle Diet’, we look at the innocent joys and guilty pleasures of scrumping.
Monika Kucia
Fasting to the Rescue
Soul + Body
Good Food

Fasting to the Rescue

Fasting might sound like a painful idea, but according to a recent MIT study, it can have serious health benefits.
Aleksandra Kozłowska
In Rhythm with the Sun
World + People

In Rhythm with the Sun

The human body has adapted to function in cycles of light and dark. Here’s what goes inside your organism during one 24-hour shift.
Tomasz Sitarz
Why Go Barefoot?
Soul + Body

Why Go Barefoot?

Bare feet manifest many meanings – from the religious to health and the everyday.
Anna Berestecka
Keep Your Fasciae Healthy!
Soul + Body

Keep Your Fasciae Healthy!

Fasciae, the connective tissue that envelopes all of our internal organs, is one of the body’s last mysteries. Slowly but surely, its importance to our health is becoming clearer.
Marcin Kozłowski
A Splash of Pepper Vodka
Soul + Body

A Splash of Pepper Vodka

In Poland, a number of folk remedies exist for treating common health ailments. Far from being useless, these remedies do have health properties and help people deal with the drag of being unwell.
Paulina Olszanka