Maciej Mahler

he studied Architecture and Art History in Warsaw. An architect, translator, columnist.
Dancing Dawns
World + People

Dancing Dawns

The time of day when the sun rises is a celebration of the beginning. Literature, myths, and religions are all rich in its symbolism.
Renata Lis
Flame in Hand
Art + Stories

Flame in Hand

The power of literature lies in its ability to forge connections—between the past and the present, between us and the lives of others.
Kamila Dzika-Jurek
Our Winged Companion
World + People

Our Winged Companion

For thousands of years, humans and sparrows have lived alongside each other, the latter continuously adapting to the former’s new environments.
Adam Zbyryt
The Wheels of Energy
Soul + Body
Good Mood

The Wheels of Energy

Ancient Hindu and Buddhist Tantra describe various focal points on the human body, which can be “worked” on to attain physical and psychological benefits.
Agnieszka Rostkowska
A Chance for Gifts of Fate
World + People
Dreams and Visions

A Chance for Gifts of Fate

Non-traditional teaching approaches that integrate serendipity and social emotional learning can greatly aid the development of children in the classroom.
Maria Hawranek
Art + Stories


Grzegorz Uzdański
I must not fall asleep. I must not fall asleep.
Ut-napishtim, the immortal, says that if I do not fall asleep,
I will live forever, I will not die like Enkidu.
I sat by his body until a worm dropped out the nose.
It was repulsive, I leaped up screaming,
the face I was kissing became a nest of worms.
I fled, and I’m fleeing till now. I am really tired,
But I must not fall asleep. I asked them all on the way:
should I also die? Renounce the sun? No, never.
It’s enough that I don’t fall asleep.

I know no nicer feeling, than when lying in bed
and I feel the weight on my eyes, the slight spinning in my head:
sleep is coming. I am very afraid. This weight and darkness, and spinning
are stronger than me, every evening. But not tonight.

There are ways, for example, putting my fingers in my eyes,
but I won’t sit for a week with my fingers in my eyes,
it’s unbearable, besides, I would look stupid,
after all, I am the ruler of Uruk. (Another week. Did I sleep,
sitting next to Enkidu’s body? At the time I was not yet
so terribly tired).

When I was taking the boat through the waters of death,
which must not be touched, an old game proved useful
from childhood, of the monster under the bed. Not even a toe
can poke out from the bed (as from the boat), for the monster will catch me
and drag me into the kingdom of death (super fun, right?).
I’d lie, under the covers, thinking: I’ll stick out my toe, for a moment,
I’ll check if it’s actually there. And if it catches me? Struggling
with my curiosity, I’d lie, until the weight on my eyes and the darkness
made the fear and curiosity lose their power, and when it was
all over, then (if I’d only been awake) I’d be able to say—I’m already asleep.
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The Great Pando
World + People

The Great Pando

After the removal of wolves from its ecosystem, a thousands-of-years-old aspen colony in Utah has started to slowly die.
Łukasz Kaniewski
I Don’t Lose Needles Often
Humor + Variety

I Don’t Lose Needles Often

A representative of the bristlecone pine tree species in the US state of Nevada answers some quick questions about the secret to its longevity.
Łukasz Kaniewski
The Empire of Tranquility and Toilets
World + People

The Empire of Tranquility and Toilets

Thousands of years ago, in the northwestern regions of South Asia, a Bronze Age society flourished—without wars, famine, or slavery.
Łukasz Kaniewski