To read

Emotional Illusions
World + People

Emotional Illusions

[...] entitles you to enormous privileges – it used to grant men access to sexuality and access to services provided [...]
Tomasz Stawiszyński
Staying in the Black
Art + Stories

Staying in the Black

[...] In a cycle of videos from 2004 entitled Dusk, the artist documented himself gradually covering black-and-white [...]
Karol Sienkiewicz
All Alone at the End of the World
Soul + Body

All Alone at the End of the World

[...] One day, our Antarctic expedition received a package containing a video cassette with the first Polish edition [...]
Mikołaj Golachowski
Our Favourite Books in Translation from the ‘New East’
Art + Stories

Our Favourite Books in Translation from the ‘New East’

[...] , but still in some ways more remote than the Western and Northern European cultures that continue to provide [...]
Boyd Tonkin
The Hero in the Labyrinth
Art + Stories

The Hero in the Labyrinth

[...] he emphasized that only a risky attempt to synthesize knowledge on the basis of detailed findings can provide [...]
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Cinematherapy for Testing Times
Art + Stories

Cinematherapy for Testing Times

[...] Busby Berkeley’s kaleidoscopic choreographies (such as 42nd Street) provided a distraction from the toil of [...]
Jakub Popielecki
The Open Scissors Effect
Soul + Body

The Open Scissors Effect

[...] In reality, they had been seduced by old men, and were sending them nude photos and videos. [...]
Aleksandra Pezda
Mao and the Sparrows
World + People

Mao and the Sparrows

[...] The corpses were eaten by mice, and in extreme cases they provided nourishment to the hungry families. [...]
Agata Kasprolewicz
Nothing Fixes Itself
Art + Stories

Nothing Fixes Itself

[...] Today, over breakfast, I watched all the videos and read the commentaries. What do I think? [...]
Aleksandra Lipczak
Non-Divine Software
Soul + Body

Non-Divine Software

[...] And I would have evidence for that. [...]
Tomasz Stawiszyński